Monday 16 July 2012

Once a tag cheater, always a tag cheater.. [7 Deadly Sins of Reading]

Ok, I admit it. I haven't been tagged to do this. Scandalous I know, but to be honest, I'm bored and need to do something other than rewatching YouTube videos I've seen numerous times before, so here we go! Remember those old myspace quizzes that used to start off innocuous but then end up being suddenly about your sex life? I used to do those all the time.. not that 13 year old me had anything to tell...
Well that inadvertently ended up in a weird place... let's get on with the tag before I say something else.

 The 7 Deadly Sins of Reading

What is your most expensive book? What is your least expensive book?

Most expensive would probably have to be a special edition copy of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' that I saved up for in my early teens and now cherish. It currently resides on the bookshelf in my room in my university house.
Least expensive would have to be a copy of 'Artemis Fowl' that I got for 99p and still have not got around to reading...

Which author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Darren Shan. Seriously, I adored his books as a kid, but as I've gotten older I still want to devour everything he writes out of pure unadulterated loyalty but they now seem formulaic and easy to predict. Disappointing. Sorry Darren...

What book have you deliciously devoured over and over with no shame whatsoever?

I went through a stage of just rereading the books I already owned for about 4 years so this could be a long list, but to just choose one... (not counting the Harry Potter books of course) 'Paper Towns' by John Green. I just adore it, so beautifully paced, even once you know the storyline.

What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?

'Sophie's Choice'. That makes me sound like a terrible human, I was told to read it before my A Level course on ethics so bought it and now, even after my first year at university, I still haven't even opened it. Bad Mary. Bad.
Oh and every autobiography on my shelf, I always buy them, thinking they'll be fascinating and never get over halfway through. They're not cheap either!

What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?

'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides, well really anything written by him. Or 'Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit' by Jeanette Winterson, you'd be surprised how much credit you get by reading that off your own back, rather than for a course.

What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?

To say that I find certain attributes attractive in characters would be to imply that I have some conscious choice in the matter, but I seem to find that the male characters I am drawn to are usually evil, or perceived as so by the protagonist (read Severus Snape) and female characters are usually feisty, independent and often rude. Rampaging feminist, what can I say?

What books would you most like to receive as a gift?

Anything that someone things I would benefit from reading, I love it when people give me their favourite books to see if I can discover something new!

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