Sunday 19 August 2012

Currently Reading: Reaper Man

So, getting into Terry Pratchett again, his sense of humour is just right when it comes to books about Death and his job. Just on the right side of the gallows as it were.

I'm only about 20% through, but I'm definitely getting into the other plot as it were (there are usually two concurrent plots which intertwine in all of the Pratchett I've read) and usually I don't like them as much as the ones about Death or his 'family' but this one is the exception.

Highly amused so far :)

Sunday 12 August 2012

August Update

Hey guys, just thought I should keep you abreast of what is going on over here whilst posting has been a bit slow.

Summer has left lots of time for reading but not lots of time for blogging, but here are some things that have been keeping me busy.

- Going to Cornwall with DB's family, basking in the mid 20s heat and bodyboarding in the sea
- Day tripping to Newcastle to see the new Batman film as well as having awkward conversations with previously incarcerated Geordie men about the Olympic opening ceremony (how do these people find us...?)
- Going to the Olympics to see the tennis!
- Chilling in the house watching the Olympics and eating too much junk food with DB

So umm... that's what I've been up to. Things still to come include working at Leeds Festival and filling my September with seeing friends and family before I move back to Wales for the school year.
Hopefully the blogging will become more regular after Leeds but I'm not promising anything.

Currently reading: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett

Being a top explorer at the Eden Project with DB and his brother

Sunday 5 August 2012

FINISHED: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Not ashamed to say it, I loved this book. I thought Lizzie was beautifully written and totally relatable, and I also loved getting Darcy's point of view occasionally, rather than him just being this aloof mystery as men can often be presented as in romance novels.
Mrs Bennet drove me up the wall, as did Lydia, but it only added to how much I adored Lizzie and Jane.

The writing had its moments where I struggled to understand it, and I had to use the dictionary a couple of times, but it all added to the feel I suppose.

Just... I haven't enjoyed a classic book like this since I read Dracula years ago.
