Wednesday 18 July 2012

FINISHED: Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman

So, Noughts and Crosses, I wasn't so sure at first, but it really surprised me. I am really impressed. A dystopian YA book that doesn't shy away from the harsh reality of awful situations.

Bombs go off, people die, awful decisions have to be made and I loved that. I was really impressed.
Blackman doesn't shy away from issues of race and occasionally issues of gender, handling them really well. Her characterisation is nigh on perfect too.

If I have two problems with it, and they are very small, they are that occasionally she sprints through periods of time without too much explanation and that her prose isn't brilliant, but I suppose it is a YA novel so I can cope with those issues.

Overall, I am really impressed and will be going returning to this series soon!


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