So.. it's been a bit quiet here for the past month, hasn't it? Sorry about that!
I promise I'm getting there with Reaper Man, I really am! I hit 80% today, so I'm nearly done. What with trying to meet up with people before I go back to uni and having started a new job for a few weeks in a school it's all been a little bit manic.
So, to the real point of this blog post. After watching
Rosianna's video about her new room and seeing her amazing, colour coordinated bookcase, I took it upon myself to reorganise mine. Not only because my bookshelf has been horribly neglected since I left for university last year, but also because it had collected a layer of... stuff. Receipts, hair products, cables. It was getting ridiculous, so I thought it deserved some TLC and I had work to put off today.
Not all of my books and DVDs are in this bookshelf, some are in other bookshelves in the house, some are in Wales and some are in the attic. Madness.
The full book shelf, complete with reading lamp stolen from my mother's office, broken camera and wooden viking. |
A closer look at the book section and my two ridiculous union flags. |
My red books, I have yet to read Revolutionary Road. |
I can only apologise for the fact that I own Alan Carr's autobiography, I haven't read it I swear.
Shame the same can't be said for Sharon Osbourne's which you can see a little of on the right. |
My white books, all of Jeffrey Eugenides' books happen to be in this section, although they're not together. |
I thought I would add in a closeup of my dvd collection too! |
See you when I've finished Reaper Man!
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